

“The Boys” is a superhero series created by Eric  Kripke  (who created also “Supernatural”) for Prime Video, Amazon’s streaming platform. This series is based on the comic book of the same name written by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson and published by DC Comics between 2006 and 2012. What the Amazon version of “The Boys” did perfectly was update the original message to contemporaneity. The idea of Ennis's comic was to show superheroes as creatures without morality; products that under a false cloak of goodness hide a corrupt ideology. The series, instead, puts an accent on the sinister corporation, Vought, that presents an absolutely inhuman capitalist morality. Source: “The Boys” shows us the world where heroes work for the powerful corporation Vought International, which markets and monetizes them. The series is focused on two groups: The Seven, superhero team, and the Boys, who want to bring down Vought and superheroes. The Boys are led by Billy Butcher...


Recently, streaming platforms are full of various types of young adult and new adult productions, but the original purpose of these series (confrontation with teenage traumas) has been changed into entertainment. “Euphoria” is a very original teen drama series created and written for HBO in 2019 by Sam Levinson (who also wrote and directed Another Happy Day and Assassination Nation). Levinson, seems too old to be a representant of young generation, but his life seems to reflect the drug-sexualized problems of current teenagers. “Euphoria” is based on the Israeli miniseries of the same name. The second season was announced in July 2019 and should be available in 2020, but was delayed due to a COVID-19 pandemic. “Euphoria” received nominations for the British Academy Television Award for Best International Programme. For her performance, Zendaya won the Emmy Award and Satellite Award for Best Actress in a Drama Series.   Source: The eight-episode series sho...


The Expanse is a science fiction series created in 2015 by Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby (screenwriters of Children of Men, Iron Man and First Snow) and based on the series of books of the same name, written by James Corey. The series was produced by Syfy, which after third season suspended it because of the financial problems. Then, after a call from George R.R. Martin to Jeff Bezos, the founder, CEO, and president of Amazon, Bezos decided to buy rights to make more seasons of The Expanse and put the entire series on his streaming platform. That’s why in Poland all five seasons of this series are available on Prime Video. The sixth and final season was announced in November 2020.   Source: The Expanse is set hundreds of years in a future. In it, humanity has colonized the entire Solar System. The three largest powers are the United Nations of Earth and Luna, the Martian Congressional Republic on Mars, and the Outer Planets Alliance (OPA, whose final A is an anarchi...


“Never have I ever” is a coming-of-age series created by Mindy Kaling (The Office, Ocean's 8) and since its premiere on April 2020, it’s available on Netflix. This comedy-drama is based on Kaling’s childhood, although it’s not an autobiographical series. Mindy tries to show another side of students with good grades. As she said “Nerds are not only the wallflowers and the quiet ones, we’re ambitious, we have obnoxious personalities sometimes, we want to have sex and dream like all the other kids.” Source: The series shows life of Devi, who wants to live a modern life and be popular, but it is not easy with her background. After migrating with her family from India to the United States, she grew up as just another American. Despite of getting very good grades she had social problems due to her ambition and temper. The accident at a school concert, during which her father died because of a heart attack and she lost mobility in her legs, changed completely ...


'Sharp Objects' is psychological thriller that c onsists of eight episodes and is based on Gillian Flynn's (author of Gone Girl) 2006 debut novel of the same name. The miniseries was produced in 2018 by HBO, created by Marti Noxon (producer and screenwriter of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce) and directed by  Marc  Valleé  (Big Little Lies) . In the cast we can see an amazing trio of actresses: Amy Adams, Patricia Clarkson and Eliza  Scanlen . Clarkson for this role won the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress and Adams received a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress.   Source: ‘Sharp Objects’ presents a story of troubled journalist Camille  Preaker  (played masterfully by Amy Adams), who after spending some time in a psychiatric hospital, returns to her small hometown, Wind Gap, to cover the violent murders of two teenage girls, find out da...


The Great is hilarious comedy produced by Hulu and available in Poland on HBO. It's a series created by Tony McNamara (The Favorite) with magnetizing cast, especially Elle Fanning, Nicholas Hoult and Phoebe Fox.    It's one of the rare cases in which the series is as good as trailers. The Great shows exactly what those trailers with which Hulu has promoted the series, promised us. Throughout ten episodes that last around an hour, Tony McNamara presents the life of Catherine the Great, who goes from a romantic and idealistic young girl to a very pragmatic woman, willing to seize power at all costs. Source: The Great introduces us a very different Catherine the Great from the one portrayed by Helen Mirren. We can notice her dreamy side, before marrying the heir to the Russian throne, Peter III. She imagines her marriage like a fairy tale but unfortunately, she finds a hedonistic court, besieged by gossip, casual sex and hunts seasoned with huge amounts of alcohol. Cathe...


Every great adventure ends. The Clone Wars needed a great ending, deserved a great ending and had a great ending. The animated series “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” started in 2008 and then in 2013 after 6th season of the show was cancelled but in 2020 after Disney purchased Lucasfilm, announced to resurrect the series for a grand finale under the management of the director of the project, Dave  Filoni , a man who has been at the birth of this series, during the hardest times and times of worship.   Source: The objective of The Clone Wars has always been to fill the "gap" that existed between Star Wars episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The title said it all, the series showed Clone Wars from the beginning to the end of the conflict. George Lucas planned a long-term series, ignoring criticism and rejection. And finally, the series gained followers among the fandom, offering more interes...